
TRICARE is a health care program that provides comprehensive coverage for uniformed service members and retirees and their families. TRICARE's comprehensive coverage includes health plans, dental plans, special programs and prescriptions. The mission of TRICARE is to provide health support to the entire range of military operations, along with sustaining the health of everyone who entrusts the plan with covering their medical care. 

Are you a health care professional who needs help getting connected with TRICARE as a provider? When you come aboard with TRICARE, you can bill this health care program as an in-network partner.

How Do I Become a Provider for TRICARE?

How Do I Become a Provider for TRICARE?

Every provider who wishes to become an in-network provider for an insurance company must go through a process known as credentialing. Once TRICARE has credentialed you, you can bill them directly. In today's market, it is essential to your success to accept patients' insurance plans. If a potential patient cannot use their health insurance at your practice, you may lose them to a competitor.

TRICARE defines a provider as a person, institution or business that provides health care. You can choose to be either an in-network or non-network provider. At minimum, every TRICARE provider should have received certification or authorization under TRICARE Regulation. Each region's managed care support contractors must verify this certification or authorization status.

Once you have decided to become a provider with TRICARE, follow these steps to get credentialed.

  • Start onboarding: Begin your credentialing process with Bikham Healthcare. We can make recommendations and help guide you through every step of the process. 
  • Collect documentation: Gather all needed documentation for the credentialing process.
  • Complete application: Complete the application, filling each page out in its entirety. You should also submit your application promptly. 
  • Make copies: It's possible to lose or misplace documentation, so you may want to make copies of everything you have included in your application. 
  • Follow up: After you submit your application, we will follow up to verify we have received it. This essential part of the process ensures you can move forward without delays.
  • Receive confirmation: The final step of the process is the approval of your TRICARE credentialing. You can check your credentialing status online

  • At Bikham Healthcare, we can help you learn more about how to get credentialed with TRICARE. 

    TRICARE Insurance Regions — East and West

    TRICARE is available to individuals across the world and managed in three regions. Two of these regions are in the U.S. and referred to as the East and West regions. The other region is Overseas and refers to any location outside of the U.S. Your geographic location will determine who your regional contractor is. 

    TRICARE East Provider Enrollment

    The TRICARE East region combines northern and southern states of the U.S. The following comprise the TRICARE East region:

    • Alabama
    • Arkansas
    • Connecticut
    • Delaware
    • Florida
    • Georgia
    • Illinois 
    • Indiana 
    • Iowa (Rock Island Arsenal area)
    • Kentucky
    • Louisiana
    • Maine 
    • Maryland
    • Massachusetts
    • Michigan
    • Mississippi
    • Missouri (St. Louis area)
    • New Hampshire
    • New Jersey
    • New York
    • North Carolina
    • Ohio 
    • Oklahoma
    • Pennsylvania
    • Rhode Island
    • South Carolina
    • Tennessee
    • Texas (not including the El Paso area)
    • Vermont
    • Virginia
    • Washington, D.C.
    • West Virginia
    • Wisconsin


    TRICARE West Provider Enrollment

    The following states are in the TRICARE West region:

    • Alaska
    • Arizona
    • California
    • Colorado
    • Hawaii
    • Idaho
    • Iowa (not including the Rock Island Arsenal area)
    • Kansas
    • Minnesota
    • Missouri (except for the St. Louis area)
    • Montana
    • Nebraska
    • Nevada
    • New Mexico
    • North Dakota
    • Oregon
    • South Dakota
    • Texas (the southwestern corner that includes El Paso)
    • Utah
    • Washington
    • Wyoming


    Who We Can Help Get Enrolled With TRICARE

    Can we help you get enrolled with TRICARE? At Bikham Healthcare, we can help the following individuals and groups get credentialing with TRICARE:

    • Audiologists
    • Behavioral health providers
    • Chiropractors
    • Hospitals
    • Nurse practitioners 
    • Occupational therapists
    • Optometrists
    • Physicians
    • Physician assistants
    • Physical therapists
    • Podiatrists
    • Speech-language pathologists


    We help small group practices and solo provider practices without dedicated staff members who can handle the various, lengthy tasks of enrollment. We can also help midsized and large practices with greater needs for technology resources that can adequately manage the provider enrollment process and credentialing information, along with hospitals that need an organized credentialing process. 

    Benefits of Being a TRICARE In-Network Partner

    Benefits of Being a TRICARE In-Network Partner

    What are the advantages of being a TRICARE in-network partner? When you become a TRICARE provider, you provide health care services to America's heroes who are working and sacrificing to ensure America stays strong and safe. 

    If you get credentialed with TRICARE Insurance, you can enjoy the following benefits.

  • Higher volume of patients: As a TRICARE provider, you will serve a higher volume of patients because the network providers are on a worldwide referral list.
  • Greater convenience for your patients: As a TRICARE provider, you agree to accept a beneficiary's copayment and file a claim with TRICARE for the rest of the amount. 
  • More affordable rates for your patients: When you are a TRICARE provider, you agree to provide health care services to beneficiaries at a negotiated, affordable rate, which means patients will pay less out of pocket.

  • You will need to sign a contract to enjoy these benefits as an in-network partner with TRICARE. If you would prefer not to do so, you can instead be a non-network provider. Non-network providers can choose to be a participating or non-participating provider. 

    As a participating provider, you agree to file claims on behalf of beneficiaries, along with agreeing to accept payments from TRICARE directly and to take the allowable charge from TRICARE as payment in full. On the other hand, if you choose to be a non-participating provider, you will not be agreeing to file beneficiary claims or take the allowable charge.

    Contact Us at Bikham Healthcare for TRICARE Credentialing

    Bikham Healthcare helps health professionals like physicians, physical therapists, occupational therapists, dentists and hospitals get connected and credentialed with TRICARE. Medical professionals sometimes face difficulties in getting approved by an insurance payer. Regardless of whether you are starting up as a health care professional or you have an existing practice, we can help you bill TRICARE as an in-network provider.

    When you choose to partner with us at Bikham Healthcare, we will help you get enrolled with several popular payers so you can maximize your patient outreach. To avoid the complexities of TRICARE East and West credentialing, including timely follow-ups and extensive documentation, contact us at Bikham Healthcare for help with your TRICARE provider credentialing application.